Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Blog Reflection

This class was my first experience and venture into digital writing, blogs specifically. It’s difficult for me to sit down and just think of something to write about because I keep thinking of the pressure of so many people reading my work. I definitely prefer to have a prompt to help me generate ideas. This is how I would integrate into a classroom for my students. For my own classroom, I would like to have my students write a weekly blog post (at least) that would vary from having a prompt, to free write, or writing about what they learned that week/their favorite thing they learned. Students should respond to one another so they are engaged with each other, creating a closer bond inside the classroom.

The challenges I encountered were what to write about. I always second guess myself and can’t seem to generate ideas to write about that I genuinely care for. I over think what I’m writing about, instead of just allowing my thoughts to flow onto the page.  I also had some difficulty with keeping up with the due dates because it was such a foreign concept/routine for me. The success I experienced was creating a blog for the first time and pushing myself out of my comfort zone to allow the public to read. I’m hoping that after this class since I already have the blog, I will use it as an outlet for my writing. Anything is better than nothing! 


  1. It can be difficult to sit down and write about something when you are required and not motivated to do so. When I sit down to write something that I'm interested in, the pages start adding up. I like knowing that others will read my work though. We can make so many meaningful connections with one another. Sharing is caring.

    It will be difficult to get others to share with you if you're not open to sharing back or seem apprehensive. I struggle with this during face to face interactions with new people, but I'm working on being more vulnerable.

  2. Kelly,

    I created a blog and I wrote one post and didn't write another for an entire year. It is difficult to write and be open in a public forum. I knew that I needed to push myself for my students. You will be writing so much in law school and writing that is different. I am glad you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone!
